Representations of the artist as an intellectual
25 May - 14 Jun 2008
Øystein Aasan, Dorothee Albrecht, Can Altay,
Kader Attia, Monica Ross & Gabriela Vainsencher
Edward W. Said held a series of lectures for the BBC radio in 1992 entitled "Representations of the intellectual" in which he clearly stated the role of the intellectual in todays society – as a sort of outsider with a burning passion to what she is intereted in. D21 have invited six artists to interpret this series of lectures and come up with their answers to them.
Øystein Aasan, Dorothee Albrecht, Can Altay,
Kader Attia, Monica Ross & Gabriela Vainsencher
Edward W. Said held a series of lectures for the BBC radio in 1992 entitled "Representations of the intellectual" in which he clearly stated the role of the intellectual in todays society – as a sort of outsider with a burning passion to what she is intereted in. D21 have invited six artists to interpret this series of lectures and come up with their answers to them.