Fons Welters

Yosuke Amemiya

17 - 20 Jul 2013

On Alongsideness
17 - 20 July 2013

Galerie Fons Welters is proud to announce the second chapter of Yosuke Amemiya’s exhibition ‘On Alongsideness’, which is part of the Sandberg Institute graduation ‘Festival of Choices’.
In his (video) installations and performances, Amemiya seems to breathe life into the everyday objects that surround him through a ritualistic approach that is at once estranging and strangely clear. In the last year Amemiya focused on creating an extensive series of charcoal drawings – 107,5 in total – in which the elements from his performative installations return to recreate his untouchable parallel universe.

The motifs in the drawings range as widely as their style: abstract blurs or fine delicate lines; a whirlwind of movement or a still life of daily necessities and elements from his performances. For the first time .. of this ongoing drawing series will be presented in the front space of the gallery; while the different motifs return in real life in a constellation – or perhaps still life – based on his performance on the 4th of July in the gallery. In his drawings as in his performative installations, Amemiya melts divisions between subject and object, intersecting each other little by little as timelines run alongside the many parallel narratives.