Haus am Waldsee

Werner Aisslinger

21 Apr - 09 Jun 2013

Fig.: Courtesy Studio Aisslinger
Werner Aisslinger
Home Of The Future
21 April - 09 June 2013

Aisslinger‘s approach rests on the following questions: How will we live tomorrow? How will we cook and work, sleep and think? The firm order of the nuclear family has been eroded. Patchwork families differ in their requirements from earlier partnerships. This has consequences for the way we live together. From this basic insight Aisslinger‘s experiments pursue all manner of directions.
The exhibition puts on display, among other things, modular construction kits, such as stowage spaces and shelves, as well as energy storage and renewable furniture, Aisslinger‘s most recent ventures. His design fantasies stretch all the way to mats from natural fibre and thermo-sensitive gel, which he translates from a basic industrial material into pioneering high-tech design.
From his concern with a new basic material Aisslinger develops the idea for a specific function in terms of a chair, an armchair, a table, a lamp, a bed or simply an object. Biological structures, sustainability and practical aspects always form the crucial elements at the beginning of his design process. Function is the result of a transfer of material, set in motion and worked out by the designer himself. Only after completing this complex, highly symbiotic process does Aisslinger look for a manufacturer to produce the design in serial form under a brand name.

Therefore the show will include many well-known objects which largely conceal, up to now, the name of their creator, one of the most visionary and curious designers in Germany. Werner Aisslinger lives and works in Berlin.
Haus am Waldsee is supported by the Senate of Berlin, the borough of Steglitz-Zehlendorf as well as by the association of friends and supporters of Haus am Waldsee.