Adrian Sauer
16 Jan - 22 Mar 2014

© Adrian Sauer
Looking at the Window, 2013. Installation view. Courtesy Galería Helga de Alvear & Adrian Sauer
Looking at the Window, 2013. Installation view. Courtesy Galería Helga de Alvear & Adrian Sauer
Looking at the Window
16 January – 22 March 2014
Galería Helga de Alvear is pleased to announce Adrian Sauer first solo exhibition Looking at the Window. Whether romanticized, abstract, or with the mien of a toxic cloud – the photographs of the sky that Adrian Sauer showes for the first time in Madrid give free rein to our yearning for sumptuous images.
The photographs are more than just the result of the artist’s daily ritual of pointing his camera upward to capture weather phenomena. The cloud motif provides a chance to reflect on the visual and technical qualities of photography itself. With a second, critical look, the paradoxes appear. The clouds are the subject of the images, yet they are without object. Without proportional reference points or perspective, any attempt to read scale or ratio in them is pointless. But the panel format overtaxes the resolution of the digital compact camera. So Adrian Sauer’s skies, seen up close, disintegrate into millions of millimeter-sized pixels.
Another new series of works are images of graph paper, where you immediately notice the curved lines in the grid. The images trace precisely those inadequacies peculiar to photographic technology. Adrian Sauer is here nimbly reappraising the question of “image-analytical photography” and, with gentle humor, expanding it to contemporary photographic materials.
Adrian Sauer studied fine art/photography in Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts from 1997–2003. He completed a postgraduate diploma in fine art/photography with Timm Rautert, in 2005. In Berlin, together with artist colleagues, he founded the artist-run gallery Amerika. Sauer has exhibited in collective shows: CROSS OVER – Fotografie der Wissenschaft + Wissenschaft der Fotografie, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland (2013); From here on, A partir de ahora. La postfotografia en la era de internet y la telefonía móvil, Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelone (2013), and solo shows: Folgendes: Farben, Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburgo, Germany (2013) and Schwarze Quadrate, Fondation entreprise d’Hermès, TH 13, Bern, Switzerland (2012). Sauer work is in public and private collections, to name a few: Ludwig Forum and Museum Folkwang in Germany, El Banco de España in Madrid or Albright-Knox Art Gallery, USA.
Looking at the Window
16 January – 22 March 2014
Galería Helga de Alvear is pleased to announce Adrian Sauer first solo exhibition Looking at the Window. Whether romanticized, abstract, or with the mien of a toxic cloud – the photographs of the sky that Adrian Sauer showes for the first time in Madrid give free rein to our yearning for sumptuous images.
The photographs are more than just the result of the artist’s daily ritual of pointing his camera upward to capture weather phenomena. The cloud motif provides a chance to reflect on the visual and technical qualities of photography itself. With a second, critical look, the paradoxes appear. The clouds are the subject of the images, yet they are without object. Without proportional reference points or perspective, any attempt to read scale or ratio in them is pointless. But the panel format overtaxes the resolution of the digital compact camera. So Adrian Sauer’s skies, seen up close, disintegrate into millions of millimeter-sized pixels.
Another new series of works are images of graph paper, where you immediately notice the curved lines in the grid. The images trace precisely those inadequacies peculiar to photographic technology. Adrian Sauer is here nimbly reappraising the question of “image-analytical photography” and, with gentle humor, expanding it to contemporary photographic materials.
Adrian Sauer studied fine art/photography in Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts from 1997–2003. He completed a postgraduate diploma in fine art/photography with Timm Rautert, in 2005. In Berlin, together with artist colleagues, he founded the artist-run gallery Amerika. Sauer has exhibited in collective shows: CROSS OVER – Fotografie der Wissenschaft + Wissenschaft der Fotografie, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland (2013); From here on, A partir de ahora. La postfotografia en la era de internet y la telefonía móvil, Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelone (2013), and solo shows: Folgendes: Farben, Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburgo, Germany (2013) and Schwarze Quadrate, Fondation entreprise d’Hermès, TH 13, Bern, Switzerland (2012). Sauer work is in public and private collections, to name a few: Ludwig Forum and Museum Folkwang in Germany, El Banco de España in Madrid or Albright-Knox Art Gallery, USA.