Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

Mur Brut 03: Claudia Barth

12 Jan - 05 Apr 2015

© Claudia Barth
D is for Drive, 2015
Parkhaus Kunsthalle Düsseldorf MUR BRUT 03
Foto: Katja Illner
D is for Drive
12 January - 5 April 2015

Wi­th „D is for Dri­ve“ Clau­dia Barth will de­ve­lop a per­for­ma­ti­ve work for MUR BRUT, which will in­cor­po­ra­te the en­t­i­re par­king ga­ra­ge at Grab­beplatz. Ba­sed on the spa­ti­al pat­terns of the un­der­ground ga­ra­ge
pro­du­ced by traf­fic re­gu­la­ti­ons and re­cur­ring se­quen­ces of mo­ti­on, the ar­tist will crea­te an ac­tion in­vol­ving a car, and spea­ker, and a mu­si­ci­an. The per­for­mance will grasp the na­tu­re of re­pe­ti­ti­on, and ques­ti­on whe­ther de­via­ti­on and op­po­si­ti­on can be prac­ticed. A me­mo­ran­dum will then be pla­ced on the MUR BRUT wall.

Clau­dia Barth com­ple­ted her stu­dies at the Düs­sel­dorf Aca­de­my of Art un­der Ri­ta McBri­de and Chris­to­pher Wil­liams in 2014.