Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

The Group 1965 – We are Boys!

21 May - 03 Jul 2011

21 May – 3 July, 2011

(Part of the Fe­deral Re­pu­blic of Ger­ma­ny’s ce­le­bra­ti­ons to mark 150 ye­ars of fri­endship bet­ween Ger­ma­ny and Ja­pan)

Kunst­hal­le Düs­sel­dorf will be ho­no­u­ring Ja­pan this ye­ar wi­th an ex­hi­bi­ti­on en­t­it­led The Group 1965 – We are Boys!, the world’s first ex­hi­bi­ti­on in an art in­sti­tu­ti­on to pre­sent a com­pre­hen­si­ve ran­ge of works by the six Ja­pa­ne­se ar­tists Ma­ko­to Ai­da, Par­co Ki­no­shi­ta, Hi­royu­ki Mats­u­ka­ge, Os­car Sa­tio Oi­wa, Tsuyo­shi Ozawa and Su­mi­hi­sa Ar­i­ma. De­s­pi­te its na­me, The Group 1965 is not an ar­tist collec­tive in the con­ven­tio­nal sen­se of the term. It for­med mo­re or less by chan­ce, and its mem­bers sha­re litt­le other than
their Ja­pa­ne­se na­tio­na­li­ty and the fact that they we­re all born in 1965. Un­li­ke most well-known ar­tist collec­tives, The Group 1965 is a loo­se as­so­cia­ti­on of va­rious in­di­vi­du­al ar­tists who do not sub­scri­be to a com­mon ar­tis­tic pro­gram­me. In­s­tead, what most de­fi­nes the group is how it unites dif­fe­rent con­cepts and ap­proa­ches, and the mul­ti­fa­ce­ted way in which the­se va­rious vi­si­ons are rea­li­sed. The Group 1965 ar­tists ci­te Jo­seph Beuys, who­se work they saw in 1984 in the Ga­le­rie Wa­ta­ri and in the Sei­bu Mu­se­um in To­kyo, as an im­portant link to the ci­ty of Düs­sel­dorf and a key fi­gu­re in the de­ve­lop­ment of their so­cio-po­li­ti­cal and ar­tis­tic thin­king. The two ex­hi­bi­ti­ons by this lea­ding light of the Düs­sel­dorf art sce­ne play­ed an im­portant ro­le in in­s­pi­ring The Group 1965 to ad­opt a uni­que po­si­ti­on in the Ja­pa­ne­se art sce­ne. Re­fe­ren­ces to Ja­pa­ne­se and Wes­tern ar­tis­tic tra­di­ti­ons and to the pop at­ti­tu­des and fo­un­da­ti­ons of a new Ja­pa­ne­se self-image will ap­pe­ar along­side works by the ar­tists.

Gi­ven the ci­ty of Düs­sel­dorf’s ce­le­bra­ti­ons to mark 150 ye­ars of fri­endship bet­ween Ger­ma­ny and Ja­pan this ye­ar, the Kunst­hal­le is pl­an­ning an ex­ten­si­ve pro­gram­me to ac­com­pa­ny the ex­hi­bi­ti­on, which will in­clu­de per­for­man­ces, ka­rao­ke and mu­si­cal en­ter­tain­ment as well as events for child­ren of all ages.