MoMA Museum of Modern Art

Weimar Cinema, 1919–1933

Daydreams and Nightmares

17 Nov 2010 - 07 Mar 2011

Poster for Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Grosstadt. 1927. Germany. Directed by Walther Ruttman. Image courtesy Filmmuseum Berlin–Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek
Held in conjunction with the Weimar Cinema, 1919–1933: Daydreams and Nightmares film exhibition
During the period from the end of World War I to Hitler’s becoming Chancellor, German filmmaking was rich in stylistic and narrative innovation, and internationally influential. This show celebrates the period with posters and film stills drawn from the collections of MoMA and the Deutsche Kinemathek, Museum für Film und Fernsehen, Berlin, as well as a selection of graphically striking presentation books from Germany’s UFA film studio, acquired in 1937 by the Museum’s founding film curator Iris Barry.