Proyectos Monclova

Dieto Teo

01 May - 14 Jun 2008

Dieto Teo
Rastro (loop)

Trails, drifts, encounters, constructions, street imagery, evocations and invocations are all elements and processes that Diego Teo selects by using a particular methodology he knows well: playing.

Willingness to seek, playful discovery and his particular way of constructing, generate the distinct interpretations that his photographs, videos, sculptures and installations convey. The form contains within itself a methodology which simultaneously represents the work of art. It is a circle that becomes a spiral which unravels unto infinity.

Each of the constructions he presents in this exhibition, as well as each of the images of the graffitis, portray complex fragments that demonstrate his own way of encountering the urban context of the city at street-level. Diego Teo reflects upon constructions that house gross, rudimentary and degrading environments of cheap do-it-yourself constructions, or informal architecture, that he modifies through sculptural models with a particular scale that projects a distinct way of perceiving reality. In the other hand, graffiti invades and fills the gallery space by establishing paths, mappings and virtual mazes left for the viewer's free will to continue them with the purpose of judging them and searching for a certain space or not one at all.