Nicolai Wallner

Peter Land

Peter Land
1966 born in Aarhus, Denmark
Lives in Copenhagen, Denmark

1988-94 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, Copenhagen
1994-95 Goldsmith College, London

Solo Exhibitions

2009 Peter Land, The Lake, Turku Art Museum, Turku, Finland
2008 Darlings, fondazione march, Padova, Italy
Darlings, Landesgalerie Linz, Linz, Austria
2007 Darlings, Kunstforeningen Gl. Strand, Copenhagen, Denmark (catalogue)
2006 The First Day at School, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
2005 Hasty Departure, Espai 13, Fundación Miró, Barcelona, Spain
2004 Galleria Sonia Rosso, Turin, Italy
Nemo on the Borderline, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
2003 The Ride, Salzburger Kunstverein, Austria
2002 MAMCO, Musee d'art moderne et contemporain, Geneve, Switzerland
The Ride, X-rummet, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark (catalogue)
Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris, France
2001 Villa Markel, Galerie der Stadt Esslingen, Esslingen, Germany (catalogue)
Herzliya Museum of Art, Herliya, Israel
2000 Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus, Switzerland. (catalogue)
An Introduction to my Videoworks, The Lux, Centre for Film, Video & Digital Arts, London, England
Stadtgalerie Kiel, Kiel, Germany. (catalogue)
Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
The Lake, Klosterfelde, Berlin, Germany
1999 Tanja Grunert & Klemens Gasser, New York, USA
Bahnwärterhaus, Galerie der Stadt Esslingen, Esslingen, Germany
Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus Schweitz Centre D'art Contemporain, Fribourg, Switzerland
Centre D'art Contemporain, Fribourg, Switzerland
1998 The Video Gallery, Museum of Modern Art Chicago, IL, USA
Project space, Cultural Centre of Fundació La Caixa, Lieda, Spain
The Cellist, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
Sonia Rosso Galeria, Pordenone, Italy (catalogue)
C/O Atle Gerhardsen, Oslo, Norway
Ynglingagatan, Stockholm, Sweden
1997 Galleri Nicolai Wallner. Copenhagen, Denmark
Wiener Secession, Wien, Austria (catalogue)
1996 Step ladder blues, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen (catalogue)
1995 Pink Space, LXX, ?rhus, Denmark
Pink Space, NZET Projekt, Gent, Belgum
1993 Another State of Mind, Globe Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark

Group Exhibitions

2008 Sound of Art. Music in the Visual Arts. Museum der Moderne Mönchsberg, Salzburg, Austria
Socle du Monde, Herning Kunstmuseum, Herning, Denmark
Laughing in a Foreign Language, The Hayward, London, United Kingdom (catalogue)
15 Years Anniversary Exhibition, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
Contemplating modern art, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
176 Gallery, London, United Kingdom
SuperNatural, Centra Cultural Andtrax, Mallorca, Spain
2007 Idylle. Traum und Trugschluss, Galerie der Stadt Remscheid, Remsheid, Germany
Passion for Art, Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg, Vienna, Austria (catalogue)
(H)EROS, Musée d'Art moderne et d'Art contemporain de la Ville de Liège, Liège, Belgium
Comix, Brandts, Odense, Denmark (catalogue)
IMAGES OF MAN today, ARKEN Museum for Moderne Kunst, Ishøj, Denmark
Idilio I, DA2- Domus Artium 2002, Salamanca, Spain
All about Laughter, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Silly Adults, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
her(his)tory, Museum of Cycladic Art, Athens, Greece
Scheitern, Landesgalerie Linz, Linz, Austria
2006 Art, Life & Confusion, October Art Salon, Belgrade, Serbia
Idylle. Traum und Trugschluss, Sammlung Falckenberg, Hamburg, Germany
Fremd bin ich eingezogen, Kunsthalle Fredericianum, Kassel, Germany
47th October Salon, Belgrade, Serbia
Flowers in Contemporary Art, Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece
5 Tage bis zum Ende der Kunst, Kunsthalle Fredericianum, Kassel, Germany
Goethe abwärts- deutsche Jungs etc., Mönchehaus-Museum Goslar, Goslar, Germany
Nothing But Pleasure, BAWAG Foundation, Vienna, Austria
FAST video, Museet for Samtidskunst, Roskilde, Denmark
Bjerge i dansk kunst, Herning Kunstmuseum, Herning, Denmark
Hit the North, Nordic Film and Videoart, Filmform, Stockholm, Sweden
Sip My Ocean, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark
Mission: Reality, Museet for samtidskunst, Roskilde, Denmark
Neo-Sincerity: The Difference between the Comic and the Cosmic is a Single Letter, Apexart in Tribeca, New York, USA
What makes you and I different, Tramway, Glasgow, Scotland
2005 Fairy Tales Forever, ARoS, Århus, Denmark
When Humour Becomes Painful, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich, Switzerland
Spielräume, Stiftung Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Centre of International Sculpture, Duisburg, Germany
Idependent Curator's International, Situation Comedy: Humor in Recent Art
Chronos, Cesac, Caraglio, Italy
You only live twice, Man in the Holocene, London
Venice Biennale (The Danish Pavillion), Venice, Italy
Baby Shower, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
Europe Exists, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, Greece
Open the Curtain- Kunst und Tanz im Wechselspiel, Kunsthalle zu Kiel der Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany
Moderna Museet c/o, Baltic Art Center, Visby, Sweden
Body Matters, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Oslo, Norway
2004 Gegenwärtig: Staging the Self, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany
Planet B, Palais Thurn & Taxis, Bregenz (catalogue)
MALMI, Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden
Posters, Videos and other stuff, Centre d'art Santa Monica, barcelona, Spain
Body Works, The Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre, associated with Pierides Museum of Contemporary Art, Cyprus
2003 Losing It, Fenton Gallery, Cork, Ireland (catalogue)
Happiness- A Survival Guide for Art and Life, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
The Sound of Video, LAB, Copenhagen, Denmark
Autumn Exhibition, Herning, Denmark
Ten Years Anniversary Exhibition, Galleri Nicolai wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
2002 Fallen Heroes, Espai d'art Contemporani De Castello, Castello, Spain
Jokes, Mamco- musée d'art moderne et contemporain, Geneva, Switzerland
A History of Happiness, ACCA-Australian Center for Contemporary Art, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Beyond Paradise- Nordic Artists Travel east, National Art Gallery Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Beyond Paradise- Nordic Artists Travel east, The Art Center- Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Beyond Paradise- Nordic Artists Travel east, Galeri Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Beyond Paradise- Nordic Artists Travel east, Valentine Willie Fine Art, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Attachment, Brugge 2002, Brugge, Belgium
Tapies Foundation, Barcelona, Spain
2001 True Fictions, touring Museumsverein, Bad Arolsen, Germany,Ludwig Forum, Aachen, Kunstverein, Lingen (Ems), Kunst-Haus, Dresden, Städtische Galerie, Erlangen, Stadtgalerie, Saarbrücken, Stadtmuseum, Hofheim, all Germany
Sex-Facts and Fantasies, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dredsen, Germany (catalogue)
The Beauty of Intimacy- Lens and Paper, Kunstraum Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Germany
SI Swiss Institute, New York City, New York, USA
Museum 2- Works from the Astrup Fearnley Collection, Astrup Fearnley Museet for Moderne Kunst, Oslo, Norway
Make Me Feel, Exhibition Centre Helexpo, Greece (catalogue)
Scandinavia, Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena, Italy
Moments which I intend to remember, Stadsgalerij Heerlen, Heerlen, Holland
Group Show, Galeri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
Night Of a Hundred Eyes (videoscreening), Transit Space, London, England
Reclaming Place, Cleveland center for Contemporary Art, Cleveland, USA
Looking af you, Kunsthalle Fridercianum, Kassel, Germany. (catalogue)
Works on paper, Sommer contemporary art, Tel Aviv, Israel
Bleibe, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany. (catalogue)
2000 Transfert Kunst in Urbane Raum, Bienne, Switzerland.
Let's entertain, Walker Art Centre, Minneapolis, USA touring Portland Art Museum, Portland, U.S.A.,Centre George Pompidou, Paris, France, Museo Rufino Tamayo, Mexico City, Mexico, St. Louis Art Museum, St Louis, USA (catalogue)
Au-delà du spectacle, Centre Pompidou- Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris , France
M2nd Ars Baltica Triennial of Photographic Art- Can you hear me?, Kunsthaus Dresden, Dresden, Germany
John, I'm only dancing, The Margaret Harvey Gallery, University of Hertfordshire, Herts, England
The split personality madman. Idiocy as a contemporary strategy, Touring Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia. (December 1999), Contemporary Art Centre, Nizhni Novgorod, (Jan/feb 2000), Museum for Contemporary Art, Samara (March/April 2000), Castle, Oiron (June/Sep. 2000)
Organising Freedom, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden (catalogue)
Kwangju Bienale, Kwangju, South Korea (catalogue)
Norden, Kunsthalle Wien, Wien, Austria
1999 Videoprogram 14. festival du film court de Brest, Brest, France
Day of the Donkey Day, Transmission Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland
Lè Grând Præmière Opénïng Shöw, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
Musée D'art Contemporain, Montréal (Quebec), Canada
Scandinavian Art Show, Tokyo, Japan
Can you Hear me ?, Ars Baltica Triannial of Photography, Stadtgalerie Kiel, Kunsthalle Rostock, Germany
Blondes on Bikes, Newsantandrea, Savona, Italy
International Neurotic Realisme, Galerie Francesca Pia, Bern, Switzerland
1998 Young Danish Artists, Sint-Lukasgalerij, Bruxelles, Belgium
80/90- Mirror of our times- Works from the collection of the Oslo National Museum, Contemporary Art Center Vilnius (CAC), Vilnius, Lithuania
Nordic Light, Nordic Scenes in the 1990's, Netherlands Media Art Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Fast Forward Body Check, Kunstverein in Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Peter Land, Johan Grimonprez, Sharon Lockhart, Art and Entertainment, Milano, Italy
Something's Rotten, Museum Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany (catalogue)
A century of artistic freedom, Wiener Secession, Vienna, Austria (catalogue)
Manifesta II, European Biennial of Contemporary Art, Luxembourg (catalogue)
C.I.A. of 98, Botkyrka Konsthall, Tumba, Sweden
Statens Kunstfond, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark
Bicycle Thieves, (curated by L.Bang Larsen & J. Fabricius), Rhona Hoffman, Chicago, USA (catalogue)
The New Museum, New York, USA
Reservate der Sehnsucht, HMKV, Dortmund, Germany
Don't look now, Galerie Walcheturm, Zürich, Switzerland
Come Closer, Liechtensteinische Staatliche Kunstsamlung, Vaduz, Liechtenstein (catalogue)
Come Closer, Nikolaj Kirke, Copenhagen, Denmark (catalogue)
Come Closer, Museum Ludwig, Budapest, Hungary (catalogue)
Nuit Blanche, videoprogram, Musé D’art Moderne Ville de Paris, Paris, France (catalogue)
Självporträtt, Göteborgs Museum of Art, Göteborg, Sweden (catalogue)
Public private landscapes, Dortmunder U, Dortmund, Germany (catalogue)
Undergrund, curated by Jacob Fabricius, Galerie Asbæk, Copenhagen, Denmark
Out of the North, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany (catalogue)
Art Space, Sydney, Australia
Nordic Festival of Contemporary Art, Moss, Norway (catalogue)
Realismus Studio, Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin, Germany
Killing your Darlings, Ziegler Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands (catalogue)
Le printemps de Cahors, Cahors, France (catalogue)
1997 Ny kunst fra Danmark og Skåne, Louisiana, Humlebæk, Denmark (catalogue)
art calls, curated Jacob Fabricius, Copenhagen, Denmark
Video screening, FRAC Poitou-Charentes, France
Funny versus Bizarre, Contemporary Art Center of Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania
Dialogue, Power Plant, Toronto, Canada
(desnudo) a comparison of the nude body of the artist in video of the 1970's and 1990's, Peter Land/Paul McCarthy, Art & Idea, Del. Cuautémoc, Mexico
1996 Scream, Arken, Museum for moderne kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark (catalogue)
Brect Bein, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norge (catalogue)
Project for social office in Hanover, with Franz West, and Carsten Höller, Germany
Electronic Undercurrents, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark (catalogue)
Bonn Videobiennale, Bonn, Germany
When the shit hits the fan, Overgaden, Copenhagen (catalogue)
Video screening, Centre d'art de Neuchâtel, Sweitzerland
(nude) a comparison of the nude body of the artist in video of the 1970's and 1990's, Peter Land/Paul McCarthy, touring Trans Hudson Gallery, Jersey City, and Catherine Clark Gallery, SanFrancisco, USA
Monstrosities,Videokino curated by Raphäele Jeune, Berlin, Germany
Now Here, Lousiana, Humlebæk, Denmark (catalogue)
I beg to differ, (curated by Rosemary Heather) Milch Gallery, London, England
Update, Copenhagen, Denmark
Traffic, CAPC, Musee d'art Modern Bourdeux, France. (catalogue)
The Unbearable Whiteness of skiing (existentialism now), Hooghuis, Arnhem, the Netherlands
A small shifting Sphere of Serious Culture, videoprogram curated by Gregor Muir, touring, United Kingdom
Loosy, Galerie Rizzo, Paris, France
W159, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1995 Galerie Jousse Seguin, Paris, France
Disneyland after Dark, Upsala,Sweden (catalogue)
Centre D'art Contemporain, Fribourg, Switzerland
I Confess, Nikolaj Kirke, Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center, Copenhagen, Denmark (catalogue)
RAM, Portalen, Kunsthal for samtidskunst, Greve, Denmark (catalogue)
Embraceable You, Anthony Reynolds, London, United Kingdom
Nobby Stiles, 14 Vandy Street, London, United Kingdom
Drawings, Galleri Campbells Occasionally, Copenhagen, Denmark
Vajre gång jag ser dig/Every time I see you, curated by Nicolai Wallner, Malmö, Sweden
Vajre gång jag ser dig/Every time I see you, Index gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
Mexico or Bust, 26 Abercorn place, London, United Kingdom
1994 The Private Eye, The Danish film Workshop annual Video & film festival, Copenhagen, Denmark
Das Boot, Performance festival, Malmö, Sweden
SAGA-Basement, Copenhagen, Denmark
Video Festival 1994, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
VIDEOS, (with Søren Martinsen & Edward Lipski) Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark (catalogue)
MIXBILD, Schipper & Krome, Cologne, Germany
White European Male, Herslebsgate 10, Oslo, Norway
New Reality Mix video & Performancefestival, Stockholm, Sweden
Herslebsgatan 10, videotechque curated by Nicolai Wallner, Oslo, Norway
Groupshow, Galleri TRE, Stockholm, Sweden
1993 Black Box, GLOBE, Copenhagen, Denmark
Opening show, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
Overdrive, Copenhagen, Denmark
1993 Are you ready - on the count of zero, Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen, Denmark
1992 Overgaden, Exhibition space of Ministery of Culture, Copenhagen, Denmark


Arken, Museum of Modern Art, Ishøj, Copenhagen, Denmark
Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
Sammlung Essl, Klosterneuburg, Austria
Thyssen-Bornemisza Contemporary Art Foundation, Vienna, Austria
Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland
Fondazione Sandretto ReReBaudengo, Torino, Italy
The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Oslo, Norway
Louisiana Museum of contemporary art, Humlebæk, Denmark
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark
Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo, Norway
Musée national d'art moderne, Centre George Pompidou, Paris, France
Fonds National d'art Contemporain, Paris, France
Århus Kunstmuseum, Århus, Denmark