The Showroom

Bianca Hester

05 Mar - 13 Apr 2008


5 March to 13 April 2008 [gallery closed 21 to 23 March]
Wednesday - Sunday 13.00 - 18.00 hrs
Opening Tuesday 4 March 19.00 - 21.00 hrs
First Thursday Late Night Opening 6 March until 20.30 hrs
Special weekend of activities 15-16 March [please contact the gallery for further details]

The Showroom is delighted to announce that it has invited Melbourne-based artist Bianca Hester to present her first solo show in London between March and April this year. In Australia, Hester is gaining a reputation for her collaborations and projects that collect activity around temporary structures, public situations and live events. Using a range of prosaic materials (such as plasticine, carpet and miscellaneous building supplies) she creates scattered installations of partial-objects and quasi-architectural constructions.
For projectprojects, Hester is making an installation that functions as a setting for a series of events ranging from the planning of a raft to navigate Regent's Canal to the recording of experimental performances on home-made musical instruments.
The following practitioners have participated in projectprojects: Olivia Barrett, Phillipe Ciompi, Ari Dyball, Ella Gibbs, Kris Kimpe, Daniel van Cleemput, Jude Walton and Paeces.