
Lot Meijers

15 Oct - 05 Dec 2010

"The Opening"

Date: from vrijdag 15 oct till zondag 05 dec 2010

Opening: donderdag 14 oct 20:00 -

Artist Talk: vrijdag 15 oct 15:00 -

Lot Meijers has performed on the opening a new version of "a short play for my friends'. A video of this performance will be shown in the frontspace.
Scene 1
An exhibition space, or better an apartment, empty, white walls, white floor. The white curtains are drawn. The domestic furniture is replaced by exhibition furniture. A group of pedestals in one corner. A bench in the adjoining room. A platform in the third space.
The exhibition space is empty. The 2 people present in the apartment (Lot and Hercules) are in the kitchen. Lot is sitting on one of the chairs. Hercules is leaning against the sink.
LOT I am sort of nervous. I just hope everybody will be on. And I hope people will get what is going on. I mean, I hope they see that most of the things are directed.
HERCULES Well, don’t worry. Your work is basically done now. And it looks great. Everything is lit well and i think all the objects are in the right place.
LOT Yes, but still. I am just thinking: all this furniture. I could just as well be a minimalist sculptor if you look at the things right now. And not really one with a vivid imagination. I know I decided on this. But it feels so bare.
HERCULES Hey, it is going to be alright! Don’t worry. You are taking a risk. That is a good thing.
I am
LOT I think I will just stay in the kitchen until this whole thing is over. Or maybe not. If I stay in the kitchen most of the action might also move to the kitchen. No, I have to face the play right where it’s at. Damn.