Ivan Plusch

09 - 30 Apr 2010

© Ivan Plusch
Ideal Emission, detail of the installation 1
barrels, lightboxes
"Ideal Emission"

April 9 thru April 30

A clear, simple, really realistic art - that is basically a reflection of life in the forms of life itself - it's been a long time to see it. Our vision and all other senses switch on and report: yes, I believe, I feel, I smell, I touch. It's so natural when all the elements of the installation are so realistic, even naturalistic. Probably they've just been assembled with a somewhat absurd shift.
Tires on the floor - sawed in half - remind of playground or parking lot. Public got to make their way to the center of exhibition space to see the lightboxed sky inside the barrels hanging from the ceiling.
This new installation by Ivan Plusch recalls of the famous Kabakov's "The man who flew into space from his appartment". However it's a different time now. Plusch is not going to fly anywhere, only his vision pushes through inevitable obstacles of techno civilization - up to the beauty.
As the artist said: "you should see artificial sky through rusty barrels - my ideal emission - and maybe then you could live at least a day without mobile phone".