Zak | Branicka

Lukasz Jastrubczak

06 Feb - 17 Mar 2009

Video Point | White video
06/02/2009 - 17/03/2009

Jastrubczak is a young multimedia artist who examines the fields of invisibility, disappearance, ephemeral revelation and lunacy. At the same time as his work is absurd and amusing, it is also deliberate and somber. In White Film, we see Jastrubczak sitting in a white bathrobe with a white square suspended to cover his face (with eyeholes, also square). He is tapping out a beat. Jastrubczak presses an unidentified buzzer into the bottom of an empty white bowl on the table in front of him and taps the table, a white mug, and a pair of scissors with the back of a spoon. In the short video, Jastrubzcak renders himself neutral by shielding his identity and nullifies himself in white. He becomes another white object, like the mug or the table, performing an action and only fulfilling his duty: a white robot.